The Latest on Instagram’s Massive Ch-ch-changes

Alexis Davis
1 min readOct 9, 2018

Instagram may have over one billion monthly active users, but they’re down two founders.

On September 25th, Instagram’s CEO, Kevin Systrom, and CTO, Mike Krieger, announced they were leaving the company they launched eight years ago this month. No one knows exactly why, but most speculate it stems from them disagreeing with Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook and ultimate owner of Instagram, over how the photo-sharing app was being run.

TCP has been sitting around keeping an eye on developments in order to plug you all in as we’re admittedly a little worried about our favorite social media app. Thoughts were focused on which company would make the replacement and who the person in the role would be. Would it be an outside hire? Would it be a Zuck yes-man? Would this person ultimately change the app into something we absolutely hate?

Read the full post on The Outlet ➡



Alexis Davis // Social media obsessed Millennial looking to record thoughts in more than 280 characters. #LexInTech #LexInTex