What Wine Country Can Teach Us About Content

Alexis Davis
1 min readJan 14, 2019

I recently had the pleasure of attending the annual Multifamily Social Media Summit in beautiful Napa, California. The magnificent event takes place each January and is filled with speakers, panelists, and attendees who all speak (and sip) my language. Lucky for me, I had the opportunity to hang around Northern California for an extra two days in order to really take the atmosphere in.

While the entire conference was filled with great facts and figures, there were a few points that stuck out to me as a lover of vino and virality. With that being said, here are seven ways wine country also teaches us about content.

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Alexis Davis

TheContentPlug.com // Social media obsessed Millennial looking to record thoughts in more than 280 characters. #LexInTech #LexInTex